Match Funding Scheme
For Community Sponsorship Groups
We are providing match funding for groups who are forming Community Sponsorships and are willing to welcome Afghan refugees to their community who are currently in hotel accommodation.

The amount of £4,500 should already be ringfenced for their application to the Home Office by the time they receive the match funding. This amount should not have been raised through similar funding schemes. Groups will be required to evidence this as part of their application.
Groups must have a Lead Sponsor at the time of application.
Groups must have completed the first part of their mandatory training: ‘Part 1: Planning your application’.
Successful groups will be required to provide a written report within 12 months of the arrival of the family.
Resettlement will be in regular contact with successful groups for the duration of their Home Office application process. This contact should be seen as a mutually supportive dialogue, through which the group and funders can work alongside each other to prepare for the arrival of the family.

Further Information:
Funding will be distributed on a first come first served basis, as long as the application criteria has been met. All applications should be submitted by the group's Lead Sponsor.
Deadline for applications for this funding is Wednesday, 15th November 2023.
We will only accept applications beyond this date if funding remains available. If the group disbands before the family arrive, or do not use the match funding within 12 months of their arrival, the remaining amount will be returned to the funders.
Any funds not used within the first year of the family being welcomed by the group will also be returned.
Please submit the form below, along with any supporting evidence to enquiries@resettlement.org.uk